November 10-12
Baton Rouge Hilton Capitol Center
201 Lafayette St. (225) 344-5866
Thursday November 10th
6:00/15 pm Hotel Lobby – Pick up name tags & carpool to reception:
Old Jimmie Davis House 1331 Lakeridge Dr.
(see directions in advance email)
Hosts/Sponsors: LOGA and Entergy
6:30-8:30 Opening Reception with area Alumni and CABL Members
Friday November 11th
Dress: casual
Baton Rouge Hilton Capitol Center
7:45 am Breakfast in the Heidelberg (10th Floor)
8:45 Packet/Agenda review
9:00 Welcome/Regional Overview
- Adam Knapp, President/CEO, Baton Rouge Area Chamber (‘07 Alum)
9:30 The Louisiana Economy
- Stephen Barnes, Director, Kathleen Blanco Public Policy Center, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Associate Professor of Research, Department of Economics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Member, Revenue Estimating Conference
10:30 Break
10:45 Walk to Old State Capitol (Across the Street)
11:00 Innovation & Leadership from the Nonprofit Sector
- John Spain, Executive Vice President, Baton Rouge Area Foundation (‘05 Alum)
12:15 Lunch – Group Discussion
1:00 Water and Natural Resources: Innovation and the Economic Potential for Louisiana
- Beaux Jones, Chief of Staff and General Counsel, Water Institute of the Gulf
2:00 Smart Growth and Community Revitalization
- Kevin Blanchard, Executive Director, Lafayette Public Trust Financing Authority
3:00 Load Bus for Celtic Media Center
3:30pm State of the Film and Digital Media Industry
- Chris Stelly, Executive Director, Louisiana Entertainment
- Brook O’Neil, Sales and Marketing Manager, Celtic Media Studios
5:00/15 Return to hotel
6:15 pm Take bus or meet up at Mansur’s on the Boulevard
Casual social attire, dressy jeans, khakis, long sleeves but coats or ties not necessary
6:30 Social; Dinner @ 7:00 (Bus will return to hotel at 900 PM.)
Saturday May 18th
Dress: Casual
7:45 am Heidelberg (10th Floor)
Breakfast until 8:45 am
8:45 Head to offices of LABI (walk or drive) – 500 Main St.
9:15 Talking Crime and Solutions
- Chief Murphy Paul, Baton Rouge Police
- Pearlina Thomas, Assistant Orleans Parish Sheriff Office
- Clay Young, Baton Rouge Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Board President
- Andrea Simmons, Glen Oaks High School
10:30 Break
10:45 Group Discussion
11:30 Door Prizes
11:45 Adjourn – Have a wonderful Holiday Season. See you January 19-21 in Monroe!