It is with bittersweet feelings that all of us at CABL bid “farewell” to Stephanie Desselle. Stephanie has been a part of the CABL family for more than 20 years. She officially retired at the end of June after serving the organization – and in turn – our state, in a variety of impactful capacities.
For hundreds of alumni of CABL’s Leadership Louisiana program, Stephanie is probably best known as the “leader of Leadership.” She served as director of the program for 10 years, adding new elements and activities in the process, and growing it into a program that is not only highly-respected, but remains in high demand.
But Stephanie brought many talents to CABL, including a strong knowledge of public affairs, issues management, civic engagement, and, of course, a passion for public education advocacy. During her tenure at CABL, she was involved in virtually all of Louisiana’s most significant education reforms over the last two decades. School accountability, charter school laws, expanded school choice, the Recovery School District, the transfer of failing New Orleans schools to the RSD, early childhood education, and the creation of the state’s community and technical college system, all bear Stephanie’s imprints.
Appropriately, both the Louisiana House and Senate acknowledged her contributions to the state on the final day of the regular legislative session with a resolution commending her for a career of distinguished service.
Stephanie’s work and passion for children will be sorely missed by so many of us, but the good news is that while she’s embarking on a well-deserved time off with her family and friends, she will never be very far away from the discussions and debates on issues of importance to our state.
On behalf of all of us at CABL, thank you Stephanie for your friendship, your commitment, your passion, and your many contributions to our state! Your efforts on behalf of the Council for A Better Louisiana have indeed made a better Louisiana for all of us!
The CABL Family