Economy & Innovation
- Reform Louisiana’s spending and tax structures to provide budget stability, fairness for taxpayers and support for priority investments in ways that maintain Louisiana’s economic competitiveness.
- Target state investments in tax credits and incentives by establishing strategic state priorities that will fuel economic and job growth in sectors where Louisiana has the greatest growth potential.
- Prioritize investments in high-quality, university-based research that show high potential for commercialization and bringing new companies and high-quality jobs to Louisiana.
- Place a greater focus on efforts involving career pathways for high school students, particularly in high-demand fields, so they can transition smoothly into postsecondary job training or education for less cost and in a shorter time.
- Significantly increase the investment in Louisiana’s highway infrastructure with a particular focus on economic growth centers and areas of high congestion.
- Expand access to quality pre-K and child care programs for all at-risk children in Louisiana.
- Protect the Louisiana School and District Accountability System and other recent school and teacher-quality practices to ensure that parents and taxpayers have a clear picture of how our public schools are performing.
- Protect and continue to build upon a wide and dynamic array of education choices for students and parents.
- Maintain the course on instituting higher academic standards and new assessments that raise the level of expectations for our students and allow Louisiana to compare our student outcomes to students in other states.
- Provide stable funding and long-term autonomies to higher education while assuring that institutions are accountable for performance and quality.
- Restructure TOPS to ensure it is sustainable for the future and place a greater emphasis on needs-based aid to ensure that every student has access to postsecondary education.
Livability & Quality of Life
- Support Medicaid expansion in Louisiana to provide more health care coverage for Louisiana citizens and strengthen medical education and health care delivery for the indigent.
- Support the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority’s Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast and ensure that funds intended for its implementation are not diverted to other areas of the budget.
- Develop and support a strategic statewide water management plan for Louisiana that will help sustain our water resources for the future and encourage the growth of a recognized water research and management sector in our state.