
Information on Best Practices for School Boards and School Board Members

  • National School Board Association:
  • Center for Education Reform (national independent center founded to support individuals, communities, policymakers and civic groups who are working to bring fundamental reforms to their schools)
  • GreatSchools (a leading source of information on school performance)
  • Give Kids Good Schools (national campaign to provide Americans with the information and tools they need to take action in their communities and improve their public schools):
  • The Broad Institute for School Boards (supports initiatives to help school board members and superintendents become effective leaders for positive change):
  • John Carver, well-known expert on leadership and governance for nonprofit, public and corporate boards, including school boards:
  • Education Commission of the States (helps states develop effective policy and practices for public education by providing data, research, analysis and leadership):
  • Center for Reform of School Systems (instructs board-superintendent teams in how to transform their districts for high student achievement)
  • The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement (archived material from a federally funded program that assisted schools and school districts contemplating or engaged in school reform and improvement):
  • American School Board Journal (education magazine published monthly by the National School Boards Association that chronicles change, interprets issues, and offers readers practical advice on a broad range of topics pertinent to school governance and management, policy making, student achievement, and the art of school leadership)