September 6-8, 2018
Hilton Hotel – 104 Market St. – Downtown
Thursday September 6th
Dress: Business Casual
6:15 p.m. Meet in lobby of hotel to walk:
artspace – Downtown – 710 Texas St.
Reception Sponsors (see logos below): Josh Clayton Law, Southern Heritage Bank, Trish Leleux
Group, Roy O. Martin, Drax Biomass, and Natchitoches Regional Medical Center
6:30-8:30 Opening Reception
Friday September 7th
Dress: Casual
7:45 a.m. Buffet Breakfast: Hilton Hotel, Meeting rooms A & B
Announcements/packet review: 8:45 a.m.
9:00 Regional Overview: The I-20 Corridor
- Scott Martinez, Executive Director, North Louisiana Economic Partnership (NLEP)
9:45 Break
10:00 Health and Healthcare in Louisiana…Challenges, Change, Innovation
- Brian Keller, Senior Vice President, Blue Cross Blue Shield – LA (’10 Alum)
- David Callecod, President, Lafayette General Health
- Marcus Hunter, Member Louisiana House of Representatives; House Health and Welfare Committee (’16 Alum)
11:30 Break, load charter bus to Bossier Parish Community College
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Welcome and Overview: Bossier Parish Community College
- Dr. Rick Bateman, Jr., Chancellor, Bossier Parish Community College
1:15 Workforce Quality & Training Issues
- Dr. Monty Sullivan, Chancellor, Louisiana Community Technical College System
- Dr. Dave Norris, Chief Research and Innovation Officer, Louisiana Tech University
2:15 Break and Load bus
2:45 Technology and Innovation Workforce in Action
General Dynamics Information Technologies
- Mimi Hedgcock, Senior Principal, External
Affairs, General Dynamics Information Technologies (’13 Alum)
- Craig Spohn, Executive Director/President, CyberInnovation Center
4:15 Tour: General Dynamics Integrated Technology Center (time allowing)
4:30/45 Load Bus: Hotel Arrival approx 5:00/15
6:30 Dinner: A Taste of Shreveport (casual)
Hosted at the Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce: 400 Edwards St. (downtown)
8:15/30 walk back to hotel
Saturday September 8th
Dress: casual
7:45 a.m. Breakfast buffet, Meeting Rooms A & B – 8:45 a.m. Announcements
9:00 Poverty/ Social Conditions and Strategies for Change
- Bruce Wilson, Jr., President, Northwest Louisiana United Way
- Lee Jones, Deputy State Director, USDA – Rural Development (‘ Alum)
10:00 Adjourn
Have a safe trip home and see you at Closing Retreat, Nov 14-16in Lake Charles
(full session attendance mandatory for Class graduation).