In this most unusual of years, let us not forget to do one of our most normal, civic of duties: VOTE. In Louisiana, early voting for the November 3rd election begins tomorrow, Friday, October 16. It will continue everyday (except Sundays) through October 27.
Voters have a full ballot this year: President, U.S. Senator, U.S. House members, mayors, judges, and constitutional amendments. The Louisiana Secretary of State has a user-friendly app, GEAUX Vote, you can download onto your phone. It will show you your specific ballot for your review before going to the voting booth.
In addition, if you are uncertain of where early-voting locations are in your area, you can visit the Secretary of State’s web site for a complete list here: https://voterportal.sos.la.gov/earlyvoting.
CABL has analyzed the 7 constitutional amendments on the November 3rd ballot. It can be found HERE on our web site. We provide voters an easy-to-understand explanation of the amendments and take positions on amendments that address areas of CABL’s expertise and mission.
Your voice can’t be heard if you don’t exercise your right to vote. Take advantage of early voting October 16-27 or go to the polls on Election Day November 3rd.