There was a lot of discussion this year about calling a constitutional convention to overhaul Louisiana’s notoriously long, complicated, and overly-prescriptive state constitution. That effort eventually died due to session fatigue and other factors, but lawmakers’ desire to make changes to the constitution was evident in the number of constitutional amendments they filed during this year’s regular legislative session.
More than 40 proposed changes to the constitution were introduced covering a broad range of topics. But the looming possibility of a constitutional convention prompted legislative leaders to defer votes on most of those amendments. As a result, only five amendments passed, significantly fewer than we normally see.
Voters will consider one amendment on the November 5 ballot and four on December 7. Three of them are fairly straightforward and, compared to many amendments, relatively easy to understand. Two others are fairly complicated and go beyond the type of matters voters could easily be expected to weigh in on. All of them have backstories that few citizens would be familiar with.
That is why CABL has once again analyzed the amendments and offered our thoughts and recommendations. Our hope is that voters will use this guide and other resources that are available to familiarize themselves with the issues before they cast their votes.
Changing our constitution is not something we should undertake lightly. If we make a mistake, it is often difficult to repair in short order. Nevertheless, deciding constitutional matters is one of our important responsibilities as citizens, and we hope voters will consider these proposals thoughtfully and make their voices heard. For full analysis click HERE.
CABL Recommendations for 2024 Constitutional Amendments
November 5 Ballot
Amendment #1: Revenues from Alternative Offshore Energy to Coastal Restoration SUPPORT
December 7 Ballot
Amendment #1: Changes to the Judiciary Commission OPPOSE
Amendment #2: Allow More Time for Lawmakers to Review Spending Bills OPPOSE
Amendment # 3: Lengthen Legislative Session If Needed to Pass Spending Bills SUPPORT
Amendment # 4: Tax Sales of Property SUPPORT