Throughout its history, CABL has continued to be a force for positive change by remaining focused on its goal of making Louisiana better.
CABL’s notable achievements and projects include:
- Development and passage of major education reforms and creation of Louisiana’s school accountability system
- Adoption of higher academic standards and appropriate student assessments
- Performance evaluations for teachers
- Teacher tenure reform and elimination of bus driver tenure
- Reform of school board governance
- State takeover of failing public schools in New Orleans
- Creation of the Louisiana Recovery School District
- Passage of high-quality statewide early childhood education program for at-risk children
- Passage of charter school laws for Louisiana
- Creation of the Louisiana Community and Technical College System as a means to improve workforce training and development
- Leader in the fight to protect higher education from massive budget cuts and move toward greater autonomies and performance-based funding
Fiscal Policies & Reform
- Creation of the framework for fiscal reform and other sound fiscal policies
- Preservation of 75% of Louisiana’s $4 billion settlement with U.S. tobacco companies
- Legislation to create” Rainy Day” Fund
- Consolidation of levee boards and tax assessors in the New Orleans area
- Reform in the investment of state funds and retirement of debt
Civic Engagement & Governmental Ethics
- Development of the Leadership Louisiana program which trains current and emerging community and state leaders
- More than 20 years partnering with Louisiana Public Broadcasting for a series of statewide televised debates in major elections
- Election agendas and candidate surveys to inform voters about issues of importance and where the candidates stand
- Passage of numerous reforms dealing with legislative and lobbyist financial disclosure and transparency
- Constitutional Amendment ending retirement benefits for part-time elected officials
- More than 20 years partnering with Louisiana Public Broadcasting for a series of statewide televised debates in major elections