CABL is Effective Many of the reforms we take for granted in Louisiana today are direct outcomes of CABL’s work.
- Higher academic standards and quality student assessments.
- Louisiana’s nationally recognized School Accountability System.
- Creation of the Recovery School District for failing schools.
- Passage of the first statewide, high-quality early childhood education program.
- Passage of charter school laws for Louisiana.
- State intervention in failing public schools in New Orleans.
- Preservation in permanent trust of 75% of Louisiana’s multi-billion dollar settlement with tobacco companies for education and health care.
- Passage of legislation to create the state’s “Rainy Day” fund.
- Passage of major ethics reforms, over a period spanning decades.
- Passage of constitutional amendment ending retirement benefits for legislators and school boards.
CABL is Collaborative CABL understands that to advance effective reforms, we must collaborate and form partnerships since no single organization can do it alone. CABL has a strong track record of communicating and working closely with other like-minded organizations at both the state and local levels. In addition, CABL has a partnership of more than 20 years with Louisiana Public Broadcasting co-sponsoring statewide televised debates in major elections.
CABL is Credible News media outlets across the state constantly seek our views on many issues of importance and it happens because reporters and editors view us as informed, balanced and independent. Over the years, CABL has become a trusted brand in Louisiana. Even when there is disagreement, CABL is seen as fair, completely non-partisan, acting without any self-interest and with only the best interests of the state at heart.
CABL is Relevant Even though we have a long history that has spanned more than 50 years, CABL remains constantly in the thick of many of the major issues impacting our state, particularly education and state fiscal policies. One reason we remain relevant is because we persevere. Reform takes time and CABL has been there to keep the pressure on until we achieve positive results.
CABL is Efficient With a small staff and a modest budget, CABL gets the maximum effectiveness out of every dollar. Not only have we had a successful and constant presence at the Capitol on legislative and policy issues, but we also operate the prestigious Leadership Louisiana program. Today, after more than 25 years, it continues to attract a diverse group of business, community and civic leaders from across Louisiana to learn more about the major issues affecting our state and inspire them to become engaged in seeking solutions. We value and leverage every dollar we receive and put it back into our core work and programs.