See Netflix CEO Reed Hastings Remarks on Education & Louisiana

CABL’s Annual Meeting last week was sold out and we are sorry we were unable to accommodate everyone that wanted to come to see Reed Hasting, the co-founder and CEO of Netflix. But you can now watch his entire talk online, thanks to our friends and partners at Louisiana Public Broadcasting. It’s a few minutes well spent.

Reed Hastings is known as one of the most innovative people on the planet. His work with Netflix revolutionized the entertainment industry and changed the way almost everyone watches movies or television shows.

What’s less know is that he is an active philanthropist who supports innovative approaches in education, including efforts right here in Louisiana.

He is a strong advocate for charter schools and he pointed to New Orleans as a prime example of what can happen to turn failing schools around. Prior to Katrina, he noted, the New Orleans school district was one of the lowest performing districts in the country. Today, with all of its schools operated by charters it has become one of the most improved and highest-performing urban school districts in America.

Reed’s philosophy and his own investments in public education align well with the work of CABL, as we have advocated for charter schools and more school choices for parents for more than 20 years. Check out his full talk at LPB. You’ll find it well worth your time.

Thanks to Our Major Sponsors

CABL’s Annual Meeting and Conference was a great success, but we could not have done it without the tremendous sponsors who support CABL’s work and mission all year long. We thank them and appreciate their support for a better Louisiana!

Champion Members/Underwriting Sponsors

BlueCross BlueShield of Louisiana


Presenting Sponsors

Celtic Studios

Turner Industries

Visionary Members


Community Coffee


Hancock Whitney

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