“Government watchdogs look to refocus Louisiana’s campaign conversation with RESET proposals.” (The Advocate)
“Reform groups prepare to RESET Louisiana’s long-term priorities.” (Gambit)
“Tired of being 50th? RESET Louisiana sets path out of cellar.” (USA Today Network)
In many ways, the headlines say it all.
RESET Louisiana is a nonpartisan election initiative of CABL, the Public Affairs Research Council, and the Committee of 100 for Economic Development. What’s it about? Getting candidates to focus on the issues that will move the needle and move Louisiana forward during this election year.
While Louisiana has made progress in recent years, we know we can do better. We’re tired of being 50th and what we’re asking candidates for governor and the Legislature to do is tell us their plans to help move Louisiana off the bottom. It’s that simple.
“The good news is that some of the best policy shops in the state have combined to produce a set of plans against which the rosy scenarios of the political speeches can be compared…The reading that politicians don’t want you to see is on a website, www.reset-louisiana.com.” (The Advocate)
Our RESET initiative covers four major issue areas:
- Education, including early childhood, K-12, higher education and workforce
- State fiscal policies including tax structure, spending, pensions and the constitution
- Transportation infrastructure
- Criminal justice and public safety reform
These aren’t the only issues affecting Louisiana. But every one of them are issues that analysts take into consideration when developing the various state rankings and each of them can help us move up in those rankings if we address them.
So, what can you do? The first thing is to ask candidates what’s their plan to move Louisiana up. When you run into them at legislative forums in your community ask them what they will support to fix the roads, better educate our workforce, and make us more competitive. What’s their commitment? Do they mean it when they say it or just feeding you a line?
Perhaps it’s unfortunate, but that’s what it’s going to take. Elections are the times when you can talk to the politicians and they’ll pay attention. But if we’re not talking to them about serious things like creating a better future for our state and our children, then we’re missing an opportunity and we share some of the responsibility if we continue to fall behind.
“RESET Couldn’t come at a batter time,” (Lake Charles American Press)
“Whether the politicians are comfortable with it or not, we hope the voters will push the candidates to respond with specifics, not gauzy promises.” (The Advocate)
It’s up to us to make it happen.
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