Big Step in Growing Louisiana’s Tech Economy

It’s likely that until a few days ago, most people in Louisiana had never heard of a company called DXC. But they understand what 2,000 jobs mean and that’s the number of new positions this global digital technology company is pledging to bring to New Orleans over the next five years. By any measure, that’s […]

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New School Letter Grades & a Unique-in-the-Country Look into Our Early Childhood Centers

Six years ago BESE initiated a policy to give parents and citizens a better idea of how their local public schools were performing by doing something that made total sense in the world of education – they gave the schools letter grades. The letter grades replaced a star system of tracking performance which was well-intentioned, […]

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Making Government Work Again

It’s no secret that people have a high disdain for Congress. Real Clear Politics reports that based on the average of polls it tracks, the current approval rating of Congress is about 12-percent. That’s not the lowest it’s been in the last few years, but it’s still scraping pretty close to the bottom. Why is […]

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